Multilingual Education Department Coordinator


Job Description: This is a position that supports the enrollment, engagement and compliance for multilingual learners, dual language students and former EL students. This position supports both teachers and leaders to welcome new students and ensure schools compliance in alignment with DESE guidance for EL students. 


Enrollment duties: 

ELD: This position is meant to be a connection between enrollment/central office and schools to welcome new students with an asset based descriptive profiles in addition to WIDA screener information. Expectations for enrolling students include:

  1. Reviewing documents and previous ACCESS scores
  2. SLIFE interviews
  3. Discussing needs with new families and ensuring they have support
  4. Screen and score the students with WIDA screener
  5. Screen and score the students using first language screeners
  6. Adding HLS, intake and necessary documents to Ellevations. 
  7. Create handovers for schools to include information on student academic and linguistic history, interests and important information for schools to know in order to welcome students. 


Compliance duties:

ELD: Manage ELLevation:

  1. Monitor forms; create the date 
  2. Create Users for all upcoming teachers (August) and also throughout the year if anyone is new I create a username for them
  3. Run Report
  4. Run Compliance reports and follow up with teachers on needs to adjust schedule
  5. Upload documents if needed
  6. Manage & attend BELL meetings
  7. Support BELLs in monitoring and compliance tasks
  8. Adding the screener records/hls+everything else that is sent home to schoolbrains
  9. Send initial or continuation letter to parents
  10. Annual parent letters 
  11. Opt out forms- receive them, update coding in sb and add document to ELLevation


Dual Language: 


Family and Community Engagement


